Success Stories

BBi Communication


About BBi Communication

BBi Communication is a Swedish Company with presence in Spain, helping its customers to be successful in an international and multicultural context thanks to training programmes in communication skills, negotiation and leadership, and languages, as well as programmes to manage cultural diversity. They offer flexible, tailor-made solutions and are the partner of choice for many international companies all over the world.


The starting point

BBI Communication wanted to focus on its principal activity, and free itself of accounting, HR and tax administration; the way to achieve this was to outsource those processes.


What they were looking for

A top quality supplier to outsource the three areas of administration: accounting, HR and tax.


What we did

VASALTO has taken charge of all the administrative processes related to accounting, HR and tax, allowing BBi Communication to focus on its core activity.


The Result

In the words of Nina Heindrichs, Regional Director for South of Europe and North Africa; “We had worked with several firms in the past, but never succeeded in having a quality service in the three areas. VASALTO has functional experts in all their departments, and at last we now receive the level of service we expect in each of our departments”.

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