All In, Vasalto's robot to process employee registrations and cancellations


When a new person joins our company, the employer is obliged to communicate this registration to the Social Security. The same happens when a person decides to leave, as well as any change in personal or employment data. All these changes must be reported to the Social Security General Treasury.

When we talk about registrations, cancellations and variations we refer to the different processes that have to be managed and that are related to the incorporation and exit of employees in the company. We could define a registration as the administrative act by which a legal relationship with the Social Security is created. Likewise, a deregistration is the act that extinguishes this relationship.

The manual management of these processes is complex, which can lead to errors. The compilation of the required documentation, the internal communication between the different departments involved and the coordination with the different regulatory authorities can generate a significant workload.

The company is responsible for registrations and deregistrations

Requests to register and terminate an employee’s employment must be signed by the employer. This is an obligation of the employer, not the employee. However, in the cases of registration and variation of data, this request must be accompanied by a signature of the employee. These processes have relatively short deadlines: registrations must be communicated to the Social Security before the beginning of the employment relationship, with a maximum of 60 days beforehand. As for cancellations and variations, the maximum term to present them is 3 calendar days.

This process may seem unimportant, since it is only a communication to the Social Security. However, labor legislation considers that not requesting the initial affiliation or registration of workers or requesting it after the deadline is a serious infraction.

These infractions, being considered as serious, are punished with fines to the company. It should be remembered that the employer is responsible for registering the employees. The amount of these fines ranges from 626 euros to 6,250 euros. In addition, if the lack of this registration is discovered as a result of an inspection, the penalties can be increased up to 10,000 euros. These infractions are considered to be individual. That is to say, each worker who is not registered with the Social Security is a different infraction.

Regarding late registration, the Social Security states that “they will only be effective from the day on which the application is made, unless the contributions have been paid within the regulatory period, in which case the registration will be backdated to the date on which the first contributions corresponding to the worker in question were paid”.

What information must the applications contain?

When applying for registration with the Social Security, there are a series of data that must not be missing:

  • Name or company name of the employer promoting the registration.
  • Contribution Account Code of the employer.
  • Social Security Regime.
  • Surname and first name of the worker.
  • Social Security number of the worker.
  • Worker’s address.
  • Start date of the activity.
  • Contribution group.
  • AT and EP epigraph.
  • Type of contract and working day coefficient, if applicable.
  • Occupation (in some cases)
  • Collective Agreement/Collective Agreements.

These are the general data, which will always be required when processing a registration in the company. However, there may be exceptions depending on each regime. These exceptions may mean that some of these sections are not necessary, or that some additional information is required.

If we are talking about a cancellation request, the requirements are less. One of the most important requirements is the cause of the cancellation. This section is the one that will determine whether we are dealing with a fair dismissal, a voluntary dismissal or an unfair dismissal. Based on this information, the employer must pay the employee according to the provisions of the labor legislation. The information necessary for the Social Security to process the sick leave is as follows:

  • Name or company name of the employer promoting the dismissal.
  • Contribution Account Code of the employer.
  • Social Security Regime.
  • Surname and name of the worker.
  • Social Security number of the worker.
  • Worker’s address.
  • Date of termination of the activity.
  • Cause of the cancellation.

Finally, we are going to see the case of data variations. These requests, in addition to the data identifying both the employee and the worker, must be accompanied by the data subject to modification, and if necessary:

  • Type of contract and working day coefficient.
  • AT and EP epigraph.
  • Variation of contribution group.
  • Date of variation.
  • Occupation.

All In, the Vasalto robot

As we have seen, the processing of registrations and cancellations can be a complicated task. It is necessary to take many factors into account, in addition to being a heavy workload for Human Resources departments. That’s why at Vasalto we have created a solution: our All In robot.

This software allows us to process our clients’ registrations and cancellations almost immediately. At Vasalto, we believe that automation is essential for efficient labor management. People tend to get distracted when they are doing repetitive and mechanical processes. This lack of concentration is what causes most errors. Being able to leave mechanical and repetitive processes in the hands of machines speeds up work, while leaving people time for the really important tasks. In addition, the machines are not distracted, eliminating errors caused by inattention.

How All In works is very simple. To illustrate, let’s take a look at the process of a registration. When we need to register a new employee, he has to fill in a series of data to draw up his contract. That same information is the one that we are going to use to process the registration.

We only have to enter an Excel file with the data that our new employee has given us. With this document, All In will generate in a matter of seconds, a registration form to submit to the Social Security. In just a few clicks, the robot has returned what we need. This saves us a great deal of time, which speeds up the processes and gives us the capacity to manage a large number of registrations per day. This way we ensure that our customers do not have problems with the very short timeframes for registration or cancellation.

Do you need help with your company’s labor management?

At Vasalto, we have been working in labor management for more than 30 years. We specialize in outsourcing payrolls, processing registrations and cancellations and all processes related to the management of labor relations. Our more than 30 years have given us a great experience in the sector. In addition, we are a company very involved with technology. Throughout these years we have developed a series of proprietary computer systems that allow us to manage more than 40,000 payrolls every month. In addition, we also have the best legal and accounting advice to offer our clients the best possible service.

At Vasalto, we believe that communication between people is fundamental. We make technology available to people, never the other way around. We work with technological automation solutions so that IT takes as much work off our hands as possible. This way, we have more time to dedicate to our clients.

If you are interested in learning more about our labor management services, at Vasalto we will be happy to help you. Contact us to get to know us and see how we can help your company.

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